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Home > Equipments > Property test

Property test

RikenTechnology(Thailand) has various testers and accumulated data such as ozone aging tester or geer aging oven. A Japanese specialized staff checks and tests the material every lot day by day.

Big tester


Rotorless Curemeter MDRH2030

[kind of test and standard]
Curing test JIS K 6300

Tensile tester
Tensile tester

Tensile Testing  Machine mini tech

[kind of test and standard]
Tensile test(Normal condition) JIS K 6251
Tensile test(Heat aging) JIS K 6257
Tensile test(Oil immersion) JIS K 6258

Heat aging tester
Heat aging tester

Yasuda Geer  Aging Oven

[kind of test and standard]
Heat aging test JIS K 6257
Compression Set JIS K 6262
Oil immersion test JIS K 6258

Ozone aging tester
Ozone aging tester

Yasuda Ozone Aging Tester

[kind of test and standard]
Ozone aging test JIS K 6259

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the other testers


MDS300 Densimeter

[kind of test and standard]
Densimeter(underwater substitution) JIS K 6268

hardness tester
hardness tester

Elastron Durometer

[kind of test and standard]
Hardness test(Normal condition) JIS K 6253
Hardness Change(Heat aging or oil immersion) JIS K 6257

Compression Set
Compression Set

Compression Set

[kind of test and standard]
Compression Set JIS K 6262
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